There are three ways to navigate the literature in this database: Browse all publications Clicking the Search All Publications tab in the Main Menu or the Search Publications button on the main page will take you to a complete list of all publications in the database. This list can be sorted by Author, Title, Type, or Year. Advanced Filters Clicking the Search All Publications tab in the Main Menu or the Search Publications button on the main page will take you to a complete list of all publications in the database. At the top of the page you will see Advanced Filters which will allow you to limit the results by Country, Location of intervention, Setting, or Type of Bias. Clicking the drop-down box below the filter will give you a list of filters for that category to choose from. Keyword Search Clicking the Search All Publications tab in the Main Menu or the Search Publications button on the main page will take you to a complete list of all publications in the database. At the top of this listing you will see a search box. Use keywords (e.g. intergroup, weight, Canada, high schools) to search for publications with that keyword. Note: This will only search for the keyword in our record of the publication, not in the fulltext of the publication itself.