Behavioural consequences of imagining intergroup contact with stigmatized outgroups Author Rhiannon Turner, Keon West Publication Year 2012 Type Journal Article Abstract We investigated whether imagining contact with an outgroup member would change intergroup behaviour. Participants who had imagined a positive interaction with an outgroup member or an unspecified stranger were told that they were about to take part in a discussion task with an outgroup member. They were taken to a room and asked to set out two chairs ready for the discussion while the experimenter left, ostensibly to find the other participant. The distance between the two chairs was then measured. Undergraduate students who imagined talking to an obese individual (Experiment 1) or a Muslim individual (Experiment 2) placed the chairs significantly closer than those in the control condition. They also reported more positive feelings and beliefs regarding Muslims. These findings highlight an important practical application of imagined contact: preparing people for successful face-to-face contact. Keywords imagined contact, social distance, outgroup Journal Group Processes & Intergroup Relations Volume 15 Pages 193–202 Type of Article Journal Article URL External link to reference DOI 10.1177/1368430211418699 Full text Open access via the link provided. Type of Prejudice/Bias Body size Religion Country United Kingdom Method Lab Setting College/University Google ScholarDOIBibTeX