Bagci, Sabahat C, Sofia Stathi, and Loris and Vezzali. (2021) 2021. “I (dis)like the Way You (dis)like Them: The Role of Extended Contact on Social Distance and Attitudes towards the Ingroup”. British Journal of Social Psychology 60. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: 95–120. Referenced from I (dis)like the way you (dis)like them: The role of extended contact on social distance and attitudes towards the ingroup. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Gian Antonio Di Bernardo, Sofia Stathi, Emilio Paolo Visintin, and Miles Hewstone. 2019. “Using Intercultural Videos of Direct Contact to Implement Vicarious Contact: A School-Based Intervention That Improves Intergroup Attitudes”. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England: 1059–1076. Referenced from Using intercultural videos of direct contact to implement vicarious contact: A school-based intervention that improves intergroup attitudes. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Michèle D Birtel, Gian Antonio Di Bernardo, Sofia Stathi, Richard J. Crisp, Alessia Cadamuro, and Emilio Paolo Visintin. 2019. “Don’t Hurt My Outgroup Friend: A Multifaceted Form of Imagined Contact Promotes Intentions to Counteract Bullying”. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England: 643-63. doi:10.1177/1368430219852404. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Sofia Stathi, Dino Giovannini, Dora Capozza, and Emilio Paolo Visintin. 2015. “And the Best Essay is. : Extended Contact and Cross-Group Friendships at School”. British Journal of Social Psychology 54. Wiley: 601–615. doi:10.1111/bjso.12110. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Sofia Stathi, Richard J. Crisp, and Dora Capozza. 2015. “Comparing Direct and Imagined Intergroup Contact Among Children: Effects on Outgroup Stereotypes and Helping Intentions”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 49. Elsevier BV: 46–53. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2015.06.009. Reference Link
Birtel, Michèle D, Gian Antonio Di Bernardo, Sofia Stathi, Richard J. Crisp, Alessia Cadamuro, and Loris Vezzali. 2019. “Imagining Contact Reduces Prejudice in Preschool Children”. Social Development 28. Wiley: 1054–1073. doi:10.1111/sode.12374. Reference Link
Stathi, Sofia, Katerina Tsantila, and Richard J. Crisp. 2012. “Imagining Intergroup Contact Can Combat Mental Health Stigma by Reducing Anxiety, Avoidance and Negative Stereotyping”. The Journal of Social Psychology 152. Informa UK Limited: 746–757. doi:10.1080/00224545.2012.697080. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Dora Capozza, Sofia Stathi, and Dino Giovannini. 2012. “Increasing Outgroup Trust, Reducing Infrahumanization, and Enhancing Future Contact Intentions via Imagined Intergroup Contact”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48. Elsevier BV: 437–440. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2011.09.008. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Dora Capozza, Dino Giovannini, and Sofia Stathi. 2012. “Improving Implicit and Explicit Intergroup Attitudes Using Imagined Contact: An Experimental Intervention With Elementary School Children”. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15. SAGE Publications: 203–212. doi:10.1177/1368430211424920. Reference Link
Bagci, Sabahat C, Sofia Stathi, and Zeynep Ecem Piyale. 2019. “When Imagining Intergroup Contact Mobilizes Collective Action: The Perspective of Disadvantaged and Advantaged Groups”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 69. Elsevier BV: 32–43. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2018.12.003. Reference Link
Stathi, Sofia, Lindsey Cameron, Bonny Hartley, and Shona Bradford. 2014. “Imagined Contact As a Prejudice-Reduction Intervention in Schools: The Underlying Role of Similarity and Attitudes”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44. Wiley: 536–546. doi:10.1111/jasp.12245. Reference Link
de Carvalho-Freitas, Maria Nivalda, and Sofia Stathi. 2017. “Reducing Workplace Bias Toward People With Disabilities With the Use of Imagined Contact”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 47. Wiley: 256–266. doi:10.1111/jasp.12435. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Sofia Stathi, Dino Giovannini, Dora Capozza, and Elena Trifiletti. 2015. “The Greatest Magic of Harry Potter: Reducing Prejudice”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 45. Wiley: 105–121. doi:10.1111/jasp.12279. Reference Link
Stathi, Sofia, and Richard J. Crisp. 2008. “Imagining Intergroup Contact Promotes Projection to Outgroups”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44. Elsevier BV: 943–957. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.02.003. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Richard J. Crisp, Sofia Stathi, and Dino Giovannini. 2014. “Imagined Intergroup Contact Facilitates Intercultural Communication for College Students on Academic Exchange Programs”. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18. SAGE Publications: 66–75. doi:10.1177/1368430214527853. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Sofia Stathi, and Dino Giovannini. 2012. “Indirect Contact through Book Reading: Improving Adolescents Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions Toward Immigrants”. Psychology in the Schools 49. Wiley: 148–162. doi:10.1002/pits.20621. Reference Link
Vezzali, Loris, Sofia Stathi, Richard J. Crisp, Dino Giovannini, Dora Capozza, and Samuel L. Gaertner. 2015. “Imagined Intergroup Contact and Common Ingroup Identity: An Integrative Approach.”. Social Psychology 46. Hogrefe Publishing Group: 265–276. doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000242. Reference Link