
Publications List

82 Publications


Adida, C. L., Lo, A., & Platas, M. R. (2018). Perspective taking can promote short-term inclusionary behavior toward Syrian refugees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 9521–9526.
Asbrock, F., Gutenbrunner, L., & Wagner, U. (2013). Unwilling, but not unaffected—Imagined contact effects for authoritarians and social dominators. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 404–412.
Atherton, G., & Cross, L. (2020). Walking in my shoes: Imagined synchrony improves attitudes towards out-groups. Psychol. Stud., 65, 351–359. (Original work published 2020)


Badea, C., Bender, M., & Korda, H. (2019). Threat to national identity continuity: When affirmation procedures increase the acceptance of Muslim immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 78, 65-72.
Banfield, J. C., & Dovidio, J. F. (2013). Whites perceptions of discrimination against Blacks: The influence of common identity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 833–841.
Boag, E. M., & Carnelley, K. B. (2016). Attachment and prejudice: The mediating role of empathy. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55, 337–356.
Boyle, M. P., Dioguardi, L., & Pate, J. E. (2016). A comparison of three strategies for reducing the public stigma associated with stuttering. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 50, 44–58.
Brown, K. L., & Russell, A. M. T. (2020). Exploration of Intervention Strategies to Reduce Public Stigma Associated with Gambling Disorder. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, 713–733.
Burns, M. D., Monteith, M. J., & Parker, L. R. M. (2017). Training away bias: The differential effects of counterstereotype training and self-regulation on stereotype activation and application. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 73, 97–110.
Burns, M. D., & Monteith, M. J. (2019). Confronting stereotypic biases: Does internal versus external motivational framing matter?. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22, 930–946.